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Newconomics 2023 - Meet our Speakers: Robert Wesley

HUMAN Protocol
Nov 13, 2023

Newconomics 2023 - Meet our Speakers: Robert Wesley

2 min read

Join us at the Newconomics event in Lisbon next month to hear about real-world uses of web3 technologies. We have a range of expert guests speaking and talking about the future of working together on a number of panels. One of our amazing guests is Robert Wesley, CEO and Founder of My AI and co-founder of the Me Protocol. Robert kindly shared his thoughts on web3 tech futures with us. 

From Vision to Reality: Robert Wesley Discusses Web3's Potential

“Web3 is the term that is sometimes used to describe a state where a large portion of internet-connected things have been enhanced with blockchain-related technologies. The more interesting parts of that concept for me relate to the distribution of agency across more and more actors and entities than was previously viable without related blockchain technology. For example, we allow consumers who have been given loyalty rewards from brands to actually own those rewards themselves. Creating discrete assets from rewards was much more difficult to effectively do without blockchains, so, the consumer having greater agency. 

We are still in the very early stage of rolling these technologies out to a point where they can be more ubiquitously adopted. Having clearer ownership of the things we think we should have control over is certainly one of the most significant benefits for individuals. Whether these are monetary, property, or rewards assets, it seems like blockchain approaches are moving us to a more ‘how-it-should-be’ state of being. In other words, it seems more ‘natural’ that we should have possession and control of our own money if we want to, and not reliant on centralised third parties to tell us what we can do with it and what hoops we have to jump through to access it. It's ours right? I think this is an interesting lens to view new opportunities. 

I love the core blockchain projects for their resilience and steadfast communities. While I dont use a lot of Bitcoin and am not involved in the community, it is the stalwart foundation from which we all derive energy and courage from when we venture into Web3.

There are still lots of barriers and some significant ones. UX in general is still the biggest one. The current fragmented and inconsistent regulatory environment increases the perception of risks in adoption. There is also some room for standards to develop without styling innovation, or at least a lot more reference implementations that bring more confidence that businesses are architecting and developing in a reliable way. We are getting there, and in the end, no one will really notice that they are interacting with tokens and blockchains.

As we have adapted to a reality where at least some portion of a company will be distributed and more frequently global, making the mechanics of hiring, firing, compensating, motivating, etc. easier would be great. When it comes to the future of work, the speed at which I can realise my visions excites me the most. Needing less capital, less internal expertise, and less time to get results means I can see more fruits of my labour in my lifetime. This is great because I have lots of visions of helping my fellow man in the future.”

Find out more about the new economics of Web3 and how it can change the way we work together at the Newconomics event in Lisbon. Full details and registration can be found on the website.

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